An animation video by Antongiulio Panizzi and Alessio Saitta.
Short film awarded and mentioned in several festivals in Italy and Europe, amongst others: the others: Premio Città del gusto, Bologna. All rights reserved.
Music Video for Marimba/Cate (Caterina Del Papa)
awarded at MEI. (Festival of Music Videos and Indipendent labels).
Creator and Director: Antongiulio Panzizi, with Selvaggia Ricciardi, Floriana Minà and Francesco Zardo
Short film awarded and mentioned in several festivals in Italy and Europe, amognst others Arcipelago Film Festival – Rome..
Creators and Directors: Antongiulio Panizzi, Giulio de Andreis and Luis Gatt.
Short film awarded and mentioned in several festivals in Italy and Europe, amongst others: Arcipelago Film Festival, Corto Lazio.
By Antongiulio Panizzi, Giulio de Andreis.